Here is a great (and short) video from our attorney, Amy Refeca, on why you shouldn’t make a copy of your Will.

For the transcript of the video, read on!

I’m attorney Amy Refeca of Atlanta Wills and Trusts Law Group and I’m here to answer your questions.

You have a will. Should you make copies of it? We recommend you do not make copies of your will. You need the original will when it is probated (when it is given to the court). Copies can sometimes be confusing. Because if you make changes to your will after a copy is given to someone (like an Executor) and you forget to get that copy back; and then give them the updated will you have two versions of your will out there. Any more than one version of your will will create confusion when your estate needs to be probated (or taken through the court system). We do not recommend that you make copies of your will. Instead you should just allow the person who’s going to be your Executor access to the will in the event that it is needed. Thank you for joining me I hope I’ve answered your question.