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What Does A Trust Do That A Will Cannot?

What Does A Trust Do That A Will Cannot?

It depends. It depends on your goals going into estate planning. The who, why and what. (Questions your attorney should be asking you before you plan...)  In this instance: Who are you protecting? Your young kids.  What are you protecting? Monies you want your...

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What are third-party special needs trusts?

What are third-party special needs trusts?

Recently we shared an article which discussed three types of special needs trusts; third-party special needs trusts, first-party special needs trusts and pooled trusts. We also shared that we generally think of any trust, special needs or otherwise, as boxes to safe...

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Free Estate Planning Forms

Free Estate Planning Forms

Having estate planning forms filled out and set up is a very important step as an adult. Most people, however, do not think about having an estate plan until they are close to retirement age or older. Many people do not want to think about the possibility of not being...

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Your Spouse May Not Inherit Everything From You

Your Spouse May Not Inherit Everything From You

If you are married, you may assume you will get everything if your spouse passes away.  Here in Georgia, if your spouse doesn't have a Will that may not actually be true.   Why? Because your spouse died intestate. (a.k.a. without a Will). There are special rules...

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Power Up Your Child’s Dreams

Power Up Your Child’s Dreams

Do you have a young adult in your life?  Is your teenager already looking at schools to head off to, or maybe they already have their bags packed...Yikes!  But there is likely something you have not thought about, something every adult should have as they head into...

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