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Beneficiary Designation versus Wills: What Do They Have To Do With Each Other
This is one of the most common misconceptions out there in the world of estate planning: beneficiary designations and will (and how they do or DO NOT change or impact each other). Here is a great video on this topic! For the transcript of...
Should YOU have your original Will or your attorney?
You should keep your ORIGINAL will with you, your attorney shouldn’t have it!
Should You Make a Copy of Your Will? No.
You shouldn’t make a copy of your last will and testament and here is why!
Planning for the End: A Loving Gift to Your Family
Planning around what happens when you die is a gift to your family, and to yourself. If you are thinking about this, then here are some helpful tips on what you could can do to help your family understand what to do and what you want.
Homestead Exemption and Trusts: Why You Need To Double Check If You Reapplied!!
Homestead Exemption and Your Revocable Living Trust!
Women and Estate Planning in Georgia
A Simple Guide for Women in Georgia about Estate Planning. Estate planning is often seen as something that only the super-wealthy or older people need to worry about, but it’s something every woman should consider—no matter her stage in life. Whether you’re a single...
Probate In Georgia: What steps must occur to administer an estate.
What are the steps of probate in Georgia? This article shares the steps that must be taken in probate in Georgia.
Six Reasons Why Moms of Young Children Should Avoid Probate
Why Probate Isn’t a Great Option for Mothers with Young Children in Georgia Estate planning is a plan. It is a plan for your money, things and property if you become incapacitated and for when you pass away. For mothers with young children in Georgia, however,...
Funding Your Life Insurance Into Your Living Trust
Funding is the key to ensuring your Living Trust works for you and your family. Most people who have trust have life insurance. How do you make sure that life insurance proceeds are protected for your family? You make sure that your life insurance is funded...
Trust Funding: Protect Your Home!
Real estate is a key asset to protect with your living trust. Make sure that you home, your real estate, is funded properly.